Friday, September 14, 2012

Complete report and photo set Friday 14th.

Today's training session was the most intensive one of the week. All the players, including those on international duty during the week were present at the last training of the week. 
The team will flight today to Valencia, and will face their rivals at Mestalla stadium at 6:30 pm.
Paco Herrera insisted today in counter attack. If yesterday it was all about defense, today was the total oposite. Two teams played separate, with Park attacking with the yellow top. The blue team was supposed to steal the ball and do counterattack, and they had success quite a few times. The yellow team played well on attack, and kept their goal nearly clear.

They repeted the movements for a while, until Paco Herrera decided to play with the same teams but in half the pitch, so the intensity would be even more.
Park was very focused during the plays, and was getting along very wellwith the rest of the team, even joking at the times. Even thought he has only trained twice with the team, his acoplation to the team and the ystem seems perfect.
He is travelling with the rest of the team to Valencia, and we will se if the coach decides to play him.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for reporting about our Park :)♥ Good report!
