Friday, September 28, 2012

박주영과 셀타는 경기 전 차분했고 웃고 있었습니다.

Today.s training session was a very special one, as team’s official photo was taken prior to the match. That meant that all the Board of  Directors, inludng the President, Carlos Mourino, were present at the start of the session.

With the sun waiting for the players, it took them a little while to get ready for the training, s they needed to head into the dressing room to get the practice clothes on. At 10:40 am players made presence in the field for a short physical training session, because every month, Paco Hererra schedules a spa session for the team.

Players did some physical training, prior to do some rounds. In this part of the training, smiles and laughs could be heard continuously, as Celta’s spirit started rising, and ended up in all the players jumping around with the joy of an excellent play by Park. He then suffered the same fate, as one of his team mates got the ball between his feet, with his team mates joking around about it.

Paco Herrera trained some corner kicks and fault crosses, preparing some strategies for next game. We have to take into consideration that during Celta match against Valencia, Paco Herrera’s team took 9 corners just in the first half, without any kind of threat for Valencia´s goal what so ever. Now tht he has the team playing as he wants them to play, and with more coordination in the defensive line, it is time to concentrate some efforts on the blackboard, taking some advantages of corners and side fouls.
Toni was not training today due to the injury he substained yesterday, nd does not look very likely that hewill be ready to go to Granada. The good news was Andres Tunez, who was able to finish the training session without any problem, and seems fully recovered to play with the rest of the team.


  1. Dear Mr.Santiago Perez,
    I do not know how to thank you for your kindness and diligence.
    Hope that God bless you all the time.

  2. I saw 'Correspondent, Santiago Perez' at 'SportalKorea'(Newspaper)
    Is that you? LoL
